Thursday 11 February 2010



Ryan Sanders:

-Main character

-Boy that gets stabbed to death


-Around 16 yrs old


-Played by Malachi Green-O’shea

-Character influence- Adam Deacon (Kidulthood), Riz Ahmed (Shifty)

Mrs. Sanders:
-Mother of murder victim
-Late 30’s
- White, working class
-Devout Christian
-Thinks highly of her son
-In mourning of his death
-Played by Mocushla O’shea
-Character influence- Elaine Symons (Waterloo road)

-Victim of mugging
-17/18 yrs old
-White, middle/upper class
-Drives car
-Stylish and wealthy

-Victim of mugging
-16/17 years old
-Black working class male
-Casually dressed- urban
-Friend of victor
-Character influence- Tempa T (musician)

-Victim of Rape
-17 years old
-Attractive, Mixed race, Middle class

Wednesday 3 February 2010


Two stills from the drugs handover scene in 'Shifty'.

The idea for the garage scene – with the double row of garages - came from the film ‘Shifty’.

The film is set in various parts of contemporary South London. This is due to its high crime rates and the way it is traditionally represented in the wider media.

The first scene will be set in Ryan’s house. We see his mother sitting in the lounge. It’s not clear what the location is but we know it is in South London.

The second scene will be set in a car, with the two young boys, again the exact setting will be unclear. This leads onto the flash back, which is set in an estate, within the collection of garages.

Finally, the third scene will be set in a house, in a much wealthier part of south London. This is clearly a more up market property in comparison to the other settings. The two girls will be in here, listening to the radio. The Flash back will be set in a park in the dark.

We want to use one of the main colours in the front cover of the DVD case of ‘This is England’. It stands out in comparison with the surrounding colours and matches the colour of the garage in our location shots.

Scene from This is England.

As well as the above influences, we found that many other films affected our choice of specific location shots. These include ‘This is England’, the setting of which inspired us in terms of the close proximity of the walls. We see this most when Victor and Reece have their flashbacks.

This is our location scouting for the flashback in scenes 2 and 3.