I originally started with this image which i too, this was an idea i used from the poster, 'Let the Right One In.' I like the hand print and being able too see the faint outline of the face. However when looking at it in terms of my poster, it needed too be darker, and give a greater understanding as to what happens in the film, and also what genre it is. I wanted a distorted effect for my poster, and the background of this photograph helped me too give this effect. Therefore all the layers, apart from the text, were placed behind the original image. With all images added, i edited 'Opacity' effect and also 'fill.'

I then added the effect, 'watercolor' and i played around with lowering the shadows and the different colors, finally coming with the outcome of this. However as one of the unique selling points of the trailer is its location, I thought it was vital that e get an idea of that in the poster. The effect watercolor and the background of the original image blended together, gave the distorted effect that i was hoping for.

As i filmed in HD, i was able too use grabs from my footage too use in my poster, i simply saved the clip as a still image and saved it a photoshop file, and then added it as an extra layer. I did this with the still of the house in the top left, and also for the mask shot.

The house grab, I enhanced the coloring, especially for the drive way and the green lawn. I decided too keep the ray of sunshine from the top right, which in the final poster, the brightness of the hand, gives the effect that the sunshine is shinging onto the hand. The grab of the mask, I cut out in photoshop and then added effects and edited the coloring.

I finally added, the lettering, however i decided that there was too bigger difference, from the busyness of the top of the trailer, in comparison to the blackout space at the bottom. although, i have not added my billing block, tag line and certification, I still felt that there is a chance that the poster would not be a memorable one.