Monday 30 August 2010

Case 39

The genre of this film, although it is a thriller, it includes other refrences. It starts of as normal trialer, although as it progresses we see unreal things. This as a whole in a way spoils the trailer. the first minute builds tension and we understand teh extent of the film, including her job and the problems with the parenta and the child. However the ending is unusual and alos some what confusing.

The cuts of the trailer become quicker throughout, which is simular to many other trailers, however the trailer also, simular to the strangers, has the odd long hold shot, which is also uncomfortable uncomforable.

The target audience would be aimed around 16-25 year olds, however because of the certain characted featuring, including renee zellweger and Bradley Cooper, this could attract a niche audience.

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