Friday 30 July 2010

When a Stranger Calls

The genre of this film, is immedietly introduced, from the scenes and music it is shown automatically. There is classic, tense music from the beginning, however the first couple of shots, for instnace of the car, are as if they are being watched, the shots are slow and eary, which all helps to introduce to the genre.

teh storyline and the information, is all given through the converstations throughout the trailer, not only on teh phone but to here dad in the car, and also to the parents of teh children. The idea of her being watched thorughout the converstaions all adds to the storyline, and goves us a big idea as too the ending of the film.

The way in which the trailer feels tense form the very beginning, appeals to me in ternms of my trailer. Also, although there are other characters, in a way only having one main character, gives the film something different, as although in the edn in the majority of trailers, the person ends up by themselves, starting with one, makes the girl already feel in more danger. This also appeals to me in my trailer, although within the trailer, a lot of the film is given away within the two minutes.

The target audience is also simular to mine as thrillers generally are all aimed at a younger audience.

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