Wednesday 15 December 2010

Let the right one in

The blurry, scratched and faded background, is an idea that i liked, the distorted effect is something i am planning too try out. Also the idea of the shadow of the main character too make one of the letters up, is also an idea i will try out. This fits with the genre and atmosphere of my film. Both this poster and the poster below, play with the idea of the unknown and what you can't see, which again is very similar to the atmosphere of my film/trailer.

This is similar to one of my ideas, in the way that you can see the silhouette or the shadow, of the main girl to one side, however my idea develops in that you can see a shadow or silhouette of a man standing way behind her. I like the hand print on the sheet of glass, and the slight tint of red on parts of the glass- suggesting blood, the girl is standing in a way that implies that she is helpless, desperate and scared. All of these features together show clearly that this is a Horror, however without saying it outright.
However, the actual title is not that clear which in a film poster is quite a vital thing, if the title is clear that it is hard for it to be that memorable because of the fact that there are so many around.

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