Sunday 10 January 2010

Harry Potter, and the Half Blood Prince:
  • the story line carried on from the last film very well, it carried on from that evening.
  • the graphics and animations were very realistic, for instance, in the house at the beginning, and also during the fight scenes
  • unlike many of the other books, very similar to the to the book.
Johnny English:
  • Includes Roan Atkinson, who is one of my favorite actors, played the main role. He made the film extremely funny.
  • Diegetic sound was good, included songs that i know.
  • Enjoyed the partnership of 'Johnny English' and his assistance 'Boff.'
  • However in some places to watch it was quite unrealistic.
  • saw Avatar at the Imax cinema in 3D, with the effect made it evermore exciting to watch.
  • the film was very unpredictable to watch, you never new what was going to happen next.
  • the has never been a story like it, which again kept the suspense.
  • The trailers shows the blue people, which are called avatars, give of the effect that the film could be too different to normal films.
  • the avatars were completely realistic which was also enjoyable.
The Hangover:
  • this film is a really funny film which is set in Las Vegas, and uses very different but effective shots of Las Vegas
  • the film is unrealistic in parts which is ashame as it is a good film.
  • although unrealistic it is still a funny and good story line, which is always in suspence as no one knows what will happen next.
  • the film is set as a mystery, which effectively makes the audience involved in the film , throughout the film.
Mean Girls:
  • Mean girls is a typical girly 'Chick Flick!'
  • the contrast of characters you get, is so far fetched it makes it funny.
  • it represents the 'Bitchiness' of school life for girls, however again is far fetched, which makes it enjoyable for girls to watched.
  • However this means sometimes its unrealistic and also does not at all apeal to boys.
  • the camera shots are simple, but also uses in several occasions slow motion, which becomes a pattern in the film.

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