Male character:
• Large man, height and weight.
• Gives an unusual era and makes the situation feel uncomfortable when spoken too by the owners of the house, - he in fact is the gardener however; within the trailer this is unknown.
• Although the situation comes across as uncomfortable he is still seen as sane and is also is obviously trusted with the grounds of the home, however not inside the house.
• He wears dark clothing and he is never completely seen as too what he is wearing.
• Brown haired man with a glum face, although again his face is never seen in the trailer.
• Similar to ‘When a stranger calls’ in the fact that the man is never completely visible until the last scene. He’s always shown in darkness

• Also similar too ‘Hide and seek,’ in the way that the dad was seen as completely innocent

• Shot of hands taking the keys wearing gloves and bright light shone on face so that he is hardly seen.
• He was once married, however his wife disappeared years ago and has never been seen since, no one knows where she is, nor what happened too her.
Female Character:
• Two girls- Abi and Charlotte
• Main girl named Charlotte, a teenager around the age of 18-19.
• A regular girl, who goes too stay too stay at her families country house for the weekend with her friend.
o However we later discover that she never arrives as she has been kidnapped by male character.
• Comes across as a fearful girl, who is a relatively outgoing and seems confident- however this is tested with when things start too happen and you see her in an opposite fashion, as fearful and terrified.
• It is unclear whether she knows the area that well, however she seems comfortable and confident with the current surroundings, and not at all fearful about being alone in the house.
• Fear grows on her progressively as the trailer continues, and you see that she is not comfortable about staying in the house alone.
• The last scene we see her as a completely different person, she seems innocent, nervous and feeling very alone.
• Again she is similar to the girl in ‘When a stranger calls,’ in the way that she come across as fearful but she is pushed too her limits.
• Finally the film ‘Lovely bones,’ within the trailer both the main girl and her sister seem fearful and especially the scene in which the sister breaks into the mans house.