Wednesday 9 March 2011

Evaluation Trailer 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research and evaluation stages?

As well as developing my skills on final cut, I also used many other technologies too help me throughout my construction stages; mainly I have used the internet, to find and record the majority of my research.

Other media technologies I used to help formulate my ideas:

YouTube, this I used a lot in the beginning to help with my research, simply searching different trailers to help me with my ideas. I also used it to upload all my videos, including my recce, storyboard animation and my practice of my fonts using the effect ‘Light Ray’s.’ Finally, to help me with my ident, I used a flash tutorial of YouTube. For my evaluation I also learnt how to tag my own YouTube uploads.

Throughout my whole course, I have posted all my work on Blogger, posting all my work and also embedding links, Prezi images and different You Tube video. As well as using my own blogger, I also used other blogs to help with my creativity, especially using ‘Get ahead OCR.’

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